Colchester, Essex


About The Appeal Fund

What is Lexden Springs Appeal Fund?

Lexden Springs Appeal Fund is a registered charity (no 273593). Our aim is to fundraise for the students of Lexden Springs Residential Special School and provide financial support to purchase items that are not within the school budget.

We fundraise throughout the year with a range of events & fun activities that not only raise vital fund but also give the children great fun and enjoyment participating

How do we help the school?

We can help fund items that fall out of the school budget, such as additional equipment, experiences and trips, As well as bigger items like minibuses and the adventure playground we have funded in previous years.

What have we previously funded?

  • Wheelchair Accessible Minibuses
  • Adventure Playground
  • 3D Printer For The DT Department
  • IPads
  • Eye Gaze Equipment,
  • Little City Equipment Hire,
  • Holidays & Day Trips
  • Christmas Presents
  • Easter Eggs
  • Pupil Family Fun Days & Parties